Lend A Hand 4-H


National 4-H Day of Service

  • Saturday, April 28, 2018, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

We invite you to make the National 4-H Day of Service on April 28 your day! You can work independently, as a group, or side-by-side with adults to serve your community. You can recruit non-4-H members to join in or partner with another youth group. Your service project can be as small as mowing a neighbor’s lawn or as large as designing an innovative new community service project that will extend well beyond one day. Whatever your project is, it’s your day to make a lasting, positive impression.

Join the Movement... Sign up today by contacting Kathy at the 4-H Office (315-376-5270) to take part in True Leaders in Service. 

Every day, 4-H’ers across the nation pledge their hands to larger service.  And every day, 4‑H’ers are rolling up their sleeves and putting their pledge into action – leading positive change that empowers their peers and their communities.

This April, 4‑H is continuing an annual True Leaders in Service initiative in honor of National Volunteer Appreciation Month. True Leaders in Service, a month-long community service activation, will officially kick-off the first day of April, and culminate with the National 4‑H Day of Service on Saturday, April 28th.

Thousands of 4‑H’ers will venture out into their communities to do what 4‑H’ers do best: they will lead in service to tackle community challenges and help meet the needs of others.

Learn More


Last updated March 19, 2018