Pub presetn


4-H Public Presentations Saturday

  • Saturday, March 29, 2025, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM


Note: 4-H Public Presentations will no longer take place on March 29th.  All presentations have been moved to: Thursday March 27th Time: 3:00pm - 6:00pm

What is Public Presentation: Youth learn about the varied purposes of presentations and how to tailor their presentations appropriately to fit their intentions. Beginners are encouraged to select simple topics with which they are extremely comfortable, so that the presentation process is the focus of their learning without the stress of learning about an unfamiliar topic.

Participants can choose from the following types of presentation:

  • Demonstration: This type of presentation requires you to talk while working on something. It can be cooking, sewing, building, etc.
  • Illustrated Talk: This is slightly more formal, using a poster or technology to help you relay your message.
  • Speech: For the more experienced speaker, you do not use posters or technology to get your point across.
  • Dramatization/Recitation: A fun, confidence building experience -- it is like acting only with no props.
  • Job interview: For ages 15 and up, cover letter and resume required. Learn useful job interview skills.

Presentations are given in a public setting (CCE Classroom) to trained volunteer evaluators. Numerical scores given by evaluators. Participation certificates are awarded immediately after the event. Registration required.





Michele Ledoux
Executive Director
(315) 376-5270


CCE Lewis County
7395 East Road
Lowville, NY 13367

Last updated March 27, 2025