4-H Animals
horse show

4-H Horse Show

Lieutenant Governor of New York State. Kathleen C. Hochul dairy

Kathleen Hochul, Governor of New York State visits 4-H'ers in the Dairy Barn


Lewis County 4-H at the Fair


For a week in July each year, 4-H youth in Lewis County have an opportunity to share and showcase the projects they've been working on throughout the year at the Lewis County Fair. The public is invited to come and see what youth in this program are doing. Non-animal events will be held in the LeRoy Nichols Youth Building by the main gate at the Bostwick Street entrance. There will be many youth animal shows from dairy cows and horses to rabbits and sheep.

4-H Youth Building

Projects: Exhibits in the 4-H Youth Building include Communicative & Expressive Arts, Home Environment, Arts & Crafts, Child Development, Clothing & Textiles, Food & Nutrition, Visual Arts, Plant Collections and Garden entries.

Action exhibits and activities:4-H youth and other children can participate in games and much more entertainment in the 4-H Youth Building.

4-H Action Activities & Exhibits: Stop in and check out 4-H projects to see what Lewis County 4-H'ers have learned. Youth can participate in many activities including the Smoothie Bike, Human Bubble Machine and Dance Mat in the LeRoy Nichols Youth Building.

PLAN AHEAD...4-H Fair Youth Building Contests

Why not think about participating in the youth building fair contests and activities?

Each year there will be contests: More information coming for 2024.

Animal Science

Dairy Clipping Contest: Youth prepare their dairy show cattle and are judged on their clipping skills and presentation of their animal.

Dairy Showmanship & Breed Classes: 4-H & FFA youth show off their dairy cattle and what they have learned during their years in this project area. Showmanship highlights their skill in presenting their animal and themselves to the judge.

Horse Show: 4-H equestrians highlight their showmanship and riding skills in a variety of English & Western classes.

Livestock Show: This show includes swine, goat, sheep, beef, oxen & llama. Youth are judged on their showmanship skills and also animals are judged on their conformation.

Poultry, Rabbit & Cavy Show: These shows feature youth with their poultry, rabbits and guinea pigs.

Dog Show: 4-H youth and their canine partner compete in Grooming & Handling, Obedience, Rally Obedience and Agility.

Horse Judging Contest: Youth participants will judge classes of light saddle horses, draft and/or ponies, plus selected performance classes. Questions and/or oral reasons will be given for one or more classes.

Dairy Judging Contest: The dairy judging contest requires competitors to understand the concepts of dairy cow conformation and provide sets of oral reasons for choosing one cow over another.


2024 Fair Schedule:


Last updated October 7, 2024