4-h at state fair

New York State Fair

4-H at State Fair is synonymous with fun, excitement, interactive learning, and more! For 13 days, youth from around New York are invited to attend Fair as representatives of their county Cooperative Extension and 4-H offices. The 4-H Youth Building offers a dorm upstairs to accommodate youth and families attending Fair.

New York State 4-H Youth Development is fortunate to have continued support from the NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets and Cornell University for our strong presence at State Fair.

Each county in New York has an opportunity to attend Fair and participate in events and show animals or exhibits. Counties are assigned a 4-day rotation for exhibiting in the 4-H Youth Building. The 4-H Youth Building and the many animal barns act as showcases of our youth's learning and effort to make their best better. Inside the 4-H Youth Building, near Gate 4, county booths are spaces for interactive activities and exhibits for Fairgoers of all ages.

4-H youth, ages 8 - 19 years of age, participate in State Fair and are provided opportunities to:

  • Display exhibits or offer presentations that demonstrate learning
  • Enhance individual learning & skill development
  • Receive recognition or participate in invitationals based on county or District achievement
  • Learn & recognize standards of quality
  • Learn & apply research-based subject matter
  • Promote public awareness of the 4-H Youth Development program
  • Develop career readiness and teamwork skills
  • Have fun!

2018 New York State Fair

State Fair Youth Animal Department

State Fair Animal Science Premium Book

State Fair Youth Building Premium Book


Michele Ledoux
Executive Director
(315) 376-5270

Last updated April 13, 2020